
Living Altars: Disabled QTBIPOC Writers Transforming Pandemic Grief
National Queer Arts Festival June 15 2022
I curated and produced this show for NQAF’s 25th anniversary festival. With work by Meliza Bañales aka Missy Fuego, Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, Juba Kalamka, Naima Lowe, Lucia Leandro “LL” Gimeno, Stacey Park Milbern.

split this rock “the future lives in our bodies: a Disability Justice & poetry roundtable
with me, Naomi Ortiz, Meg Day and Camisha Jones. June 2022.
The Future Lives In Our Bodies” reading and discussion March 13, 2022
Lambda, w/ Cyree Jarelle Johnson, Travis Chi Wing Lau and Meg Day. Captioned and w ASL.

suicidal ideation 2.0
queer community leadership, and staying alive anyway