sometimes I think of one of my roles as a structural engineer of disability justice, transformative justice, etc. I make things that are useful. here’s links to some of them:
living altars. in progress since 2020, a new project that has/ will have online readings/ in person gatherings, crip salon, resources and residency space by and for disabled and neurodivergent QT/BIPOC writers. big things coming in 2024, watch this space.
a long winter crip survival guide for pandemic year 4/forever (version 2.0), by me and tina “constant tt” zavitsanos. created in january/february 2023, this guide made by two immunocompromised/suppressed crips who were losing our shit as the pandemic turned into forever and we still couldn’t have people inside our homes. compiles tips and hacks we created to hang out outside safely when it’s freezing af outside and be at less risk for covid. now updated as of nov 2023 with suggestions people who read it sent in.
disability justice audit tool: once upon a time, me and Stacey Park Milbern got kind of overwhelmed with all the requests for “how do we do this” we got from BIPOC orgs wanting to do disability justice. we had the idea to create a tool with journal prompts, reflection questions about the histories, relationships and wounds/ gifts of disability in your communities/ organizations, access tools and stories of how BIPOC orgs had changed to center disability justice. the result is this free document, aimed at helping BIPOC lead/centered orgs and communities think through how we’re practicing and learning about disability justice. there will be spanish and plain language english translations soon, please check back.
fragrance free femme of color genius: I created this in 2009 after I almost made an disabled brown elder I respected throw up because of the amount of Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk I was wearing. I expanded it when we created Creating Collective Access in 2010 and people desperately needed fragrance free products that worked for Black and brown hair and skin instead of the small number of fragrance free products often cited at the time which were terrible yt vegan products. FFFOCG is out of date. It is still valuable? kind of? I need to work on this over winter break 2023 and add the vast number of new no/low fragrance products that are out there including ones for 4a-c hair. watch this space.
half assed disabled prepper guide for a coronavirus quarantine. once upon a time it was march 2020 and I could sense shit was going to be bad. this is what I wrote with all my prep skills most people have no idea I have. it’s a historical document now? a snapshot of a moment. still valuable.
suicidal ideation 2.0: queer community leadership, and staying alive anyway. this is a facebook post turned often-requested blog post that is now a chapter in care work. I put it back in here because people missed it when it got taken off the website in one website revision. I wrote it after a community member killed himself, and about my own suicidal ideations. it has tips. check it out.
femme shark manifesto. the one the only the best thing I wrote when I was blowing off grad school homework. 15 years old this year. some parts are cringe, some parts I would write so differently now. still so tender and raw working class brown disabled femme nonbinary love.